Earlier this month, Meta announced the discontinuation of Workplace, its enterprise communications platform launched in 2016. The service will continue in a read-only mode until May 2026, following its official cessation in September 2025. This decision impacts approximately 7 million users, who are now directed towards partner-recommended alternatives that may not be a perfect fit…
Your sales team is busy. Between prospecting, qualifying leads and closing deals, they barely have time to breathe, let alone hunt for the right sales collateral or training material scattered across different platforms and folders. This fragmented approach to sales enablement, where content, tools and resources are siloed, is a recipe for lost productivity, discouragement…
Low engagement and morale within you sales teams can be incredibly costly. This blog provides tips to catch it and intervene before it’s too late.
Improving employee experience is a top priority for many HR leaders, but many are unsure how to get started. Transforming your entire journey is a mammoth task, so it’s no surprise EX initiatives rarely make it over the line. The key is to start small, and evaluate by business case.