Earlier this month, Meta announced the discontinuation of Workplace, its enterprise communications platform launched in 2016. The service will continue in a read-only mode until May 2026, following its official cessation in September 2025. This decision impacts approximately 7 million users, who are now directed towards partner-recommended alternatives that may not be a perfect fit for every organisation.
This transition therefore presents a much needed opportunity for businesses to rethink and innovate their internal communications strategies for the future.
Navigating Change in a Rapidly Evolving Industry
The discontinuation of Workplace is just another example of the rapid evolution within the enterprise communications sector. Change is often costly and disruptive, prompting the question: how can businesses future-proof their operations?
Leaders must prioritise effective communication, impactful change management, and ongoing employee engagement. Simply side stepping to another messaging platform may not be the optimal solution.
HR leaders in particular are operating in challenging times. Many organisations are struggling to keep pace with the macro shifts in the external environment and in particular the pace of technological development impacting how they operate, are structured, drive value and – in many cases – even survive. We are living and working in an era of constant change.
What if we instead looked to integrate our existing technology, rather than side step to a like for like comms platform? Instead we left room for the future, enabling the ability to evolve and reform, hassle free! Organise, centralise and personalise.
The stats speak for themselves:
Deloitte reports that integrating workplace platforms with other business tools can streamline processes, reducing project completion times by 30%. (Deloitte)
Better yet, Employees save an average of 8 hours per week by using collaboration tools that streamline communication and project management (TechRepublic).
Business’s face the challenge of digital overload or better known as digital fatigue, employees are jumping through hoops to access the correct resources and tools at the right time. This constant switching was found to result in a 40% reduction in overall productivity (American Psychological Association).
What does this tell us? It’s time to cut down the noise, listen and deliver.
Embracing a New Vision for Workplace Communication
Now is the time to envision a more comprehensive and adaptable solution. Imagine if employees could design their own workplace communication tools.
Huler offers a forward-thinking approach to workplace communication and engagement. It focuses on enhancing performance, managing organisational culture, and revolutionising learning and development (L&D). This platform empowers employees and strengthens HR’s value proposition, Huler may not be a direct alternative to Workplace, but an upgrade for those looking to future-proof, personalise and revolutionise. Welcome to a digital knowledge hub that supports creative development, helps bridge the gap between HR and the business, and brings forward and to life strategic agendas clearly and at pace.
We are not for those looking for another glossy intranet…
The Huler Advantage: Beyond Messaging
Huler provides the perfect entry point to all of your systems and existing communication tools like Teams and Slack, adding a layer of full visibility and hyper-personalisation. Hulerhub empowers employees and boosts performance by centralising and organising information in a user-friendly, visually appealing interface.
One of Huler’s standout features is its ability to facilitate both internal and external communication through collections. Users can create and share content collections related to specific projects, themes, or topics, making it invaluable for onboarding, client pitches, alumni relations, and broader business ecosystems. Huler’s design ensures simplicity, impact, clarity, engagement, and aesthetic appeal.
Lets face it, it’s time that our EX journey starts to use the same type of messaging, personalisation and ‘storyboarding’ that you would expect of your customer focussed digital tools.
Easy Implementation and Positive Feedback
Implementing Huler is straightforward and hassle-free. Its plug-and-play setup eliminates the need for prolonged IT involvement, allowing for swift adoption.
By choosing Huler, organisations can future-proof their communications infrastructure, enhance employee engagement, and support HR’s strategic goals. So, it’s not just about replacing Workplace; it’s about transforming how we think about workplace communication and collaboration.
See customer feedback for yourself:
“It is important that DQ employees have a centralized and modern way to access HR information they need each day. HulerHub provides our employees with the most up-to-date HR content in an intuitive digital environment that they can access anywhere and at any time.”
Danielle DuBois | Dairy Queen
Director of Global Reward and Systems at American Dairy Queen Corporation.
“By investing in our digital learning systems we can ensure our managers have real-time access to what they need, when they need it, to help their teams learn and develop.”
Hannah Thomson | Travelodge
Chief People Officer
“Huler’s ability to consistently deliver products that exceed industry standards, while staying ahead of market trends, plays a pivotal role in our partnership”
Di Macdonald | St James Place
Director of Learning & Development
Book a demo now? We’re always happy to chat.